Source: KCRW

Yesterday, on Warren Olney’s public radio program “To The Point”, Vincent Southerland talked about the devastating effects of mass incarceration on African-American communities, families, and lives. He highlighted recent efforts by President Obama and Attorney General Holder, as well as conservatives like Senator Rand Paul, to end our decades-long addiction to mass incarceration. But, as Vincent argued, we should do so for moral and ethical reasons, not just budgetary concerns.

He was joined on the program by Dan Wilhelm, Vice President of the Vera Institute for Justice; Marc Levin, Senior Policy Advisor for Right on Crime; and Matthew Miller, former spokesperson for Attorney General Holder. 

Last fall, Vincent argued in U.S. vs Blewett that the Fair Sentencing Act should be applied retroactively to the prison sentences of the thousands of individuals who are still serving unfairly inflated and racially discriminatory 100:1-based federal prison sentences.

Here’s a link to the show.
