NEW YORK, Sept. 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Today the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF), announced the official launch of its redesigned website, LDF, which is celebrating its 70th year, launches the new site in an effort to educate the public and other stakeholders on its historic and continued fight for racial justice.
“Given the pace at which information travels today and the prevalent myth of a ‘post-racial America,’ it is important for LDF to sharpen its technological edge to ensure that our work to secure the promise of equality for all Americans is reaching the broadest audience possible,” said John Payton, LDF President and Director-Counsel.
The new website will allow visitors to learn about historic precedent setting civil rights cases argued by LDF, such as Brown v. Board of Education, as well as modern day litigation that LDF is involved in. From young students to seasoned attorneys, LDF’s webspace is designed to educate and empower visitors with information related to the most pressing civil rights issues in America today. The new website features video, access to LDF’s advocacy work in Washington D.C., audio of historic oral arguments before the Supreme Court, information about and various ways for users to become involved in spreading LDF’s message.
“It is our hope that by making LDF’s work easily accessible, people can begin to see that though great progress has been made, we have a long road ahead before we are all equal under the law,” said Payton.