In an op-ed for Essence Magazine, Sherrilyn Ifill reflects on school integration, busing, and housing segregation during the 60th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education.
Ifill reflects on her childhood in which she attended an integrated school in Queens, New York where she was the lone Black girl in her class.
“When integration came to Queens, my siblings and I, along with other students, were bused to predominantly White schools far from our homes. I never saw buses coming from White neighborhoods to our local schools, which had suffered from years of neglect and minimal resources.”
The piece ends with a call to action: “In 1954 and in the decades following, this country failed to dismantle segregation in our communities. The impact has been disastrous for our education system. Today—60 years later—we have the chance to turn things around.”
Click here for a link to the article