Donald Trump has only been in office for 100 days, but in that brief time his administration has shown an alarming hostility to civil rights and the rule of law. Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have tried to roll back hard-won civil rights protections, using false claims about violent crime and voter fraud to chip away at the progress we have made towards a just society. LDF is working to push back against these measures on a number of fronts. We are involved in several active voter ID cases, we continue to move forward with our Policing Reform Campaign, and we are keeping a close eye on administration initiatives like the Vice President’s voter fraud task force, which is part of the voter-suppression strategy we’ve seen unfolding since the Shelby County decision.

We have come too far to turn back now, and LDF in this fight for the long haul.

100 Days of Discrimination, 100 days of Defiance: Read an op-ed by LDF President and Director-Counsel Sherrilyn Ifill in the AFRO.

Watch LDF’s video featuring staff members discussing how we’ve been challenging the steps the Trump Administration has taken with regard to civil rights.

NBC News: Has Trump Improved Race Relations in the First 100 Days?

Daily Beast: President Jeff Sessions’s First 100 Days
