In multiple appearances on national media over the past few days, LDF leaders continue to press for action and answers on the police shooting of Michael Brown, and on the larger issue of overly militarized police forces that acculturate officers to devalue and dehumanize people and communities of color.
- Meaghan Ellis, Ferguson Case To Be Reopened? Legal Advocacy Letter Could Reopen Ferguson Case Against Darren Wilson, The Inquisitr (Jan 10, 2015)
- Shaun King, NAACP Legal Defense Fund files a potential game changer in the case against Darren Wilson, Daily KOS (Jan 06, 2015)
- Jim Salter, Associated Press, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund wants new Ferguson grand jury, special prosecutor, StarTribune (Jan 6, 2015)
- Judd Legum, This Letter Could Restart The Case Against Darren Wilson, ThinkProgress (JAN 6, 2015)
- Matt Pearce, Legal advocacy group asks for new Darren Wilson grand jury, Los Angeles Times (Jan 8, 2015)
- Jacob Kirn, NAACP Legal Defense Fund seeks investigation of grand jury proceedings in Brown shooting case, St. Louis Business Journal (Jan 6, 2015)
- James Cooper, St. Louis U. Law School hosts ‘Ferguson Policy Solution Workshop’, Demotix (Nov 4, 2014)
- Rachel Lippman, St. Louis To Expand Police Minority Recruitment Program, St. Louis Public Radio (Nov 4, 2014)
- Janai Nelson on the “Melissa Harris-Perry Show”, DOJ launches civil rights investigation of Ferguson police, (Sep 7, 2014)
- David Nather, Why Ferguson might prompt real change, Politico, Aug 31, 2014
- List of Demands Re: #Ferguson & Ending Police Violence, Prison Culture, Aug 28, 2014
- Will Policing Ever Be Colorblind?, KCRW Morning Edtion, Aug 28, 2014
- Arise News spoke with Janel A. George about the latest developments with the fatal shooting of the unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, Aug, 27, 2014
- Jesse Byrnes, Dem lawmaker pushes Holder to fund body cameras for cops, The Hill, Aug 27, 2014
- Hazel Trice Edney, Black leaders call for review of police misconduct against blacks, The Times Weekly, Aug 27, 2014
- Philadelphia Tribune Editorial, Police brutality needs to end now, Philadelphia Tribune, Aug 26, 2014
- Naureen Khan, After Ferguson, black activists hope for reckoning on race and policing, Aljazeera America, Aug 26, 2014
- Sherrilyn Ifill, Ferguson shooting reverberates around nation, MSNBC, Aug 25, 12014
- Janai Nelson, Should the Federal Government be Involved in Cases like Michael Brown’s?, NBC News, Aug 18, 2014
- Jon Swaine, GoFundMe defends Darren Wilson fundraising page despite racist postings, The Guardian, Aug 22, 2014
- WURD interview with Janai Nelson with regard to the LDF’s letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Aug 22, 2014
- The Process Begins, Florida Courier, Aug 21, 2014
- Lumumba Akinwole-Bandele, Want The Trouble in Ferguson to End?, National Journal, Aug 21, 2014
- David Nather, Holder’s big test: Ferguson, Politico, Aug 20, 2014
- Monica Davey and Tanzina Vega, Chaos in Ferguson Is Fueled by Tangle of Leadership, New York Times, Aug 20, 2014
- NAACP and others seek systemic change, Joplin Independent, Aug 20, 2014
- Kelly Moffitt, 13 civil rights organizations call for reforms following Michael Brown shooting, St. Louis Business Journal, Aug 19, 2014
- Agence France-Presse, Obama walks fine line on racial issues as protests rage in Ferguson, The Raw Story, Aug 19, 2014
- Stacy A. Anderson, Rights Groups Call for Openess in Brown Case, ABC News, Aug 19, 2014
- Leslie Clark and Anita Kumar, Obama on race: Watch what he does as much as what he says, Miami Herald, Aug 19, 2014
- Janai Nelson on “Meet The Press'” “Make The Case” Digital Interview, Aug 19, 2014
- Janai Nelson on Black Agenda Report (Radio), Aug 18 2014
- Johnathan Topaz and Lucy McCalmont, Barack Obama sending Eric Holder to Ferguson, Politico, Aug 18, 2014
- Johnathan Topaz, Autopsy: Michael Brown shot 6 times, Politico, Aug 18, 2014
- Civil Rights Groups To Missouri Gov: Ferguson Curfew Is Unconstitutional, TPM Livewire, Aug 18, 2014
- Sherrilyn Ifill on “The Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd“, Aug 18, 2014
- McCulloch blasts Nixon for replacing St. Louis County Police control, St. Louis Post -Dispatch, Aug 15, 2014
- Sherrilyn Ifill on HardBall with Chris Matthews, “Police release name of Brown shooter”, Aug, 15, 2014
- Carrie Johnson, Attorney General Holder: Ferguson Scenes ‘Cannot Continue’, KPBS, Aug 14, 2014
- Sherrilyn Ifill on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, Aug 13, 2014
- Sherrilyn Ifill on PBS News Hour, Aug 11, 2014
- Jin Hee Lee on the Roland Martin Show, Aug 13, 2014 (Podcast)
- Joan Walsh quotes Sherrilyn Ifill in Salon, Aug 13, 2014