Water/Color: A Study of Race and the Water Affordability Crisis in America’s Cities
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We cannot talk about the water affordability crisis without centering the conversation on its disproportionate racial impact,” said Low-income families of color are being forced out of their homes because of rapidly rising water prices. Although there have been important strides in recognizing that access to water is a human right, few studies have explored the effect unaffordable water prices have on Black communities in particular. Americans must think of this crisis not only as an environmental justice issue, but as a racial justice one too.

Through this groundbreaking research, LDF and the Thurgood Marshall Institute hope to equip advocates with the knowledge necessary to increase access to water and sewer systems for Black families. Water/Color painstakingly lays out the evidence showing how Black communities have been disproportionately impacted by water affordability issues, and provides potential litigation and policy solutions to address the crisis.
