
On October 3, 2024, LDF, the Texas Civil Rights Project and the ACLU of Texas, sent a letter urging Texas Attorney General Paxton to issue a statement condemning voter intimidation and violence and affirming his office’s commitment to ensuring that voters will be free to vote without fear this November. In light of evidence of intimidation in recent elections, and reports indicating organized efforts to intimidate and harass Texas voters during this November’s election, it is critically important that the Attorney General’s office issues a statement to warn bad actors that voter intimidation will not be tolerated. There have been concerning reports of voter intimidation in Texas that raise red flags for the potential for further voter intimidation at the polls during the general election. These threats are not new: During the 2020 and 2022 elections, voters and election officials were targeted by disturbing incidents of voter intimidation.

Read the letter here.

As of October 30, 2024, Attorney General Paxton did not respond to the letter and has not issued a statement. In the first week of early voting alone, there have been several instances of voter intimidation, including poll worker assault, and intimidating flyers being distributed.
