Our Voting Rights Mission

Prepared to Vote

Date Filed: 02/16/2018

Since its founding in 1940, LDF has been a pioneer in the struggle to secure and protect the voting rights of African-Americans. LDF has been involved in nearly all of the precedent-setting litigation relating to minority voting rights. LDF’s Political Participation Group uses legal, legislative, public education and advocacy strategies to promote the full, equal and active participation of African-Americans in America’s democracy.

LDF’s Prepared to Vote initiative arms voters with important information about how to comply with election laws and enables us to monitor and respond to instances of discrimination.  In key elections, our Prepared to Vote lawyers and volunteers will be on the ground at polling places answering questions and ensuring every person is able to cast a ballot.

If you wish to report voting irregularities or to seek advice, please contact LDF at vote@naacpldf.org. Or call 866.OUR.VOTE. 

Prepared to Vote
LDF lawyers and volunteers will be on-the-ground in seven states: 

Texas | Georgia | Alabama | South Carolina | Louisiana | Missouri | Florida

Every year since 2013, communities of color throughout our country have sought to vote and participate equally and meaningfully in the political process without the core protections of the Voting Rights Act. Through our Prepared to Vote campaign, LDF provides non-partisan election preparedness information leading up to and on Election Day to various partners in target states. LDF also works on the ground on Election Day to ensure every person is able to cast a ballot.

Since the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder, states and localities have unleashed a number of schemes that seek to deny or abridge the rights of voters of color. Accordingly, Prepared to Vote equips voters with information about how to  comply with election laws that are being or have been challenged in court by LDF because of their harm to communities of color, including confusing and onerous photo ID laws (in Texas,  Alabama, and South Carolina). LDF authored the compilation and review of these voting changes in our report Democracy Diminished, which has been cited in the New York Times and other major media outlets as the definitive source for this important information.

On Election Day, nearly the entire LDF office will be in the field working on voter protection. If you wish to speak with an LDF attorney to report voting irregularities or to seek advice on Election Day, please contact us via vote@naacpldf.org. And of course you can always call the national civil rights hotline for Election Day issues at 1-866-OUR-VOTE, or the United States Department of Justice, Voting Section by phone, 800-253-3931 and email, voting.section@usdoj.gov

LDF’s Seven Target States

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