McClure, et al. v. Jefferson County Commission

Date Filed: 04/07/2023

McClure, Et Al. V. Jefferson County Commission

Challenging Racial Gerrymandering in Jefferson County, Alabama

McClure v. Jefferson County Commission a lawsuit filed by LDF challenging the Jefferson County Commission’s 2021 redistricting plan as a racial gerrymander. The lawsuit was filed in April 2023 by LDF and Wiggins, Childs, Pantazis, Fisher & Goldfarb on behalf of Cara McClure, Greater Birmingham Ministries (GBM), and the Alabama State Conference of the NAACP. Read the complaint filed against the Jefferson County Commission here.

The plaintiffs allege that the Commission violated the 14thAmendment of the Constitution by unnecessarily packing Black voters into two super majority-Black commission districts and moving Black voters out of other Commission Districts to prevent Black voters from having influence over the elections in the remaining three districts.

The lawsuit cites Jefferson County’s long and well-documented history of diluting Black political power, as well as the Commission’s mere monthlong redistricting process to redraw its lines. As a result of the Commission’s actions over at least the last decade, no Black candidate has ever won in Districts 3, 4, or 5, despite the recent electoral success of Black voters and candidates in numerous countywide elections.

Alabama has been the battleground for multiple redistricting lawsuits, including the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Allen v. Milligan successfully litigated by LDF. These lawsuits, many filed by Black-led organizations, are an effort to combat the nationwide effort to reduce Black voters’ influence in elections.

Ensuring that Jefferson County’s maps are fairly drawn will protect Black voters from being moved primarily based on their race into districts. The McClure v. Jefferson County Commission case will affect how district lines are drawn in the future and who will represent you on the county commission. Who represents you on the commission matters. Every day the commission makes important decisions about our healthcare, housing, and funding for important county resources. It is crucial that every voter in Jefferson County is fairly represented in our county’s democracy.

Now more than ever, Jefferson County residents must join forces and protect our voting rights and defend our democracy. 

LDF Original Content

Unraveling the Many Costs of Discriminatory Redistricting

This piece explores how three states with discriminatory maps have shirked their responsibilities to their constituents, paving the way for the passage of oppressive legislation.


Power is on the line in Jefferson County, Alabama. We’ve compiled an FAQ explainer about the McClure v. Jefferson County Commission, racial gerrymandering and why it’s important.


LDF has closely monitored the redistricting process in key states to ensure that maps are drawn fairly and do not disenfranchise Black voters. This guide provides an overview of LDF’s work during the 2021 redistricting cycle and litigation filed.


We’ve compiled answers to frequently asked questions about the seminal U.S. Supreme Court case Allen v. Milligan and its impact on voting rights and redistricting.
