Deadline: April 01, 2025

The application period for the 2024-2025 Herbert Lehman Scholarship is now open. Applications for undergraduate scholarships must be completed by April 1, 2025. Applications for law school students must be completed by May 1, 2025.

The Herbert Lehman Education Fund is a national, highly competitive scholarship that makes annual awards to qualified, outstanding undergraduate and law school students. The scholarship, established in 1964, is named after the former Governor and United States Senator from New York in recognition of his integrity, courage, and persistence on behalf of numerous civil rights causes.

Herbert Lehman Scholarships were initially awarded to help Black students attend formerly segregated four-year colleges and universities in the South and to increase the number of Black Americans in the legal profession.

Today, the mission of the Herbert Lehman Education Fund is to help transform the promise of racial equality into a social, economic, and political reality by supporting talented undergraduate students with financial need to stay in school and successfully complete their bachelor’s degree.

Herbert Lehman Scholarships are open to undergraduate students who meet the eligibility and award criteria. Awards generally do not exceed four years. See FAQs below and access the application here.

The Herbert Lehman Education Fund also offers a limited number of law school scholarships to students committed to pursuing careers in public interest law. Awards generally do not exceed three years. See FAQs below and access the application here.

Students who are interested in applying for scholarships from the Herbert Lehman Education Fund are strongly encouraged to review the eligibility criteria and program description before applying.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the deadline to apply for an undergraduate scholarship from the Herbert Lehman Education Fund?

Applications for undergraduate scholarships must be completed by April 1, 2025. Visit our undergraduate application portal to apply. 

Is there a minimum SAT, ACT, or GPA requirement for the Herbert Lehman Scholarship?

There is no minimum test score or GPA requirement. The scholarship committee will consider each candidate’s GPA, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, financial needs, volunteer activities, and essays. No single component of an application will determine a scholarship award.

Am I eligible for a scholarship if I am not a U.S. citizen?

Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications from non-U.S. citizens at this time.

May I request an application by phone or email?

May I apply for a Lehman Scholarship if I am not attending a university in the United States?

No. Lehman Scholarships are only available to students who will be attending universities and colleges in the United States.

What is the amount of the scholarship award? Is the award renewable for each year that I am in school?

Generally, undergraduate scholarship awards are $3,000 per year for four years provided that the student continues full-time study, remains in good academic standing with their college or university, and fulfills all other program requirements.

When are awardees notified? Will I be notified if I don’t receive an award?

All applicants will be notified by mid-August/early September whether they do or do not receive a scholarship.

I will be attending community college next year. May I apply for a Lehman Scholarship?

Scholarships are only available to undergraduate students who will be attending four-year colleges or universities full-time. If you start as a junior, you are not eligible.

How is financial need demonstrated?

Applicants must provide a copy of their FAFSA Form and have a family/independent adjusted gross income of $70,000 or less (this line must be completed on the FAFSA form).

What are the financial criteria to be eligible for the Herbert Lehman Scholarship?

Family/Independent income must not exceed $70,000.

How many recommendation letters do I need?

Two letters of recommendation are needed. We advise applicants to contact their recommenders early to ensure materials are submitted on time.


When is the application deadline for law school scholarships via the Herbert Lehman Education Fund?

Applications for law school scholarships must be completed by May 1, 2025. Visit our law school application portal to apply. 

Is there a minimum LSAT or GPA requirement to receive a law school scholarship?

There is no minimum test score or GPA requirement. Candidates are judged holistically and by the full sum of their achievements and contributions. Any application review will consider a candidate’s GPA, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, volunteer activities and personal essays; however, no single component of an application will determine a scholarship award.

Can I use my GRE score if I did not take the LSAT?

Yes, GRE scores are accepted.

Am I eligible for a scholarship if I am not a U.S. citizen?

Unfortunately, we are not accepting applications from non-U.S. citizens at this time.

What is the amount of the scholarship award? Is the award renewable for each year that I am in school?

Generally, law school scholarship awards are $15,000 per year for three years provided that the student continues full-time study, remains in good academic standing with their college or university, and fulfills all other program requirements.

How is financial need demonstrated?

Applicants must provide a copy of their FAFSA Form with the family/independent adjust gross income line completed (the form must list a dollar amount).

How/when are awardees notified? Will I be notified if I don’t receive an award?

All applicants will be notified by mid-August/early September whether they do or do not receive a scholarship.

May I apply for a law school scholarship if I am not attending a law school located in the United States?

No. Law school scholarships are only available to students who will be attending accredited law schools in the United States.

I will be attending an unaccredited law school next year. May I apply for a law school scholarship?

No. Law school scholarships are only available to students who will be attending accredited three-year law schools.

Are fellowships and internships guaranteed if I am awarded a law school scholarship?

No, you must apply separately. See LDF Fellowships and Internships.

Can I apply if I am a part-time law student?

No. You must be a full-time student at an accredited law school.

How many recommendation letters do I need?

Two letters of recommendation are needed. We advise applicants to contact their recommenders early to ensure materials are submitted on time.

Should I apply for a Herbert Lehman law school scholarship or an Earl Warren law school scholarship?

Eligibility criteria, application process and review, and scholarship amounts/benefits are the same for all law school scholarships via the Herbert Lehman Education Fund and Earl Warren Legal Training Program. All students who apply for a law school scholarship will be considered for both programs. There is one application form for both the Herbert Lehman and Earl Warren law school scholarships. Please complete the application, found here, to be considered for both scholarship opportunities.
